Page name: Beavis and Butthead experience [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-04 17:37:54
Last author: inuhime
Owner: duckofdoom
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Beavis and Butthead experience

I thought it was about time these idiots had a wiki just to display the wonder of Beavis and Butthead.

If you don't know who Beavis and Butthead are...join anyway and you'll be educated in the way of Cornholio

 Use this as a banner for now. Hopefully in time I can make better one or somebody else could do it for me.

b&b banners



1. [duckofdoom]
2. [tuff ghost] Heh heh heh
3. [Miss.Kayree]
4. [Account No Longer Active] Bow down to the Almighty Bunghole.
5. [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]
6. [princess_ of _darkness]Lets be random!!!
7. [SlightlySpiked] I am Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!
8. [inuhime] Random

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2006-02-02 [tuff ghost]: WHOA! SIGN ME UP! Beevis and Butthead rocks. I've been trying to educate my 4-year-old sister in this amazing phenomenon of a TV show, but she still thinks that it's called Beavissenbutthead. Ahhhhhh.

2006-02-02 [duckofdoom]: she's 4 - you can forgive her. You know anybody who could make us a banner?

2006-02-03 [tuff ghost]: I could, if you'd like.

2006-02-03 [duckofdoom]: Excellent *tapping fingers together Mr Burns style* Thanks sooo much :)

2006-02-04 [tuff ghost]: Oh, oh, it's fun to do that! *Taps fingers in equal fashion until you stop and I look dumb* It might take me a while.

2006-02-04 [duckofdoom]: No rush. Whenever you have spare time. Me, look dumb? NEVER!!!! :D

2006-02-05 [tuff ghost]: Hmmmmmmm......

2006-02-05 [duckofdoom]: hmmmm is always a cool word.

2006-02-05 [tuff ghost]: And necessary during times of awkward silence...... Not that this is one. We need recruits.

2006-02-05 [duckofdoom]: I know. I don't know where to begin recruiting :D

2006-02-05 [tuff ghost]: Hmmmmmmmmm..........Call upon friends and foes.

2006-02-06 [duckofdoom]: ahahaha foes.

2006-02-06 [tuff ghost]: ahahahaha, friends.....

2006-02-07 [duckofdoom]: foes is a cooler word than friends. I win.

2006-02-09 [tuff ghost]: Meow. Jeez, freak out. i mean, you can stop overreacting already.

2006-02-09 [duckofdoom]: I'm bored now.

2006-02-10 [tuff ghost]: Yaah. Mee too. I have an aedi! s'tel epyt gnihtyreve darwkcab!

2006-02-10 [duckofdoom]: Woah, I've always wanted one of those. :)

2006-02-18 [tuff ghost]: You've always wanted a life-threatening STD?

2006-02-18 [duckofdoom]: which means you have one

2006-02-18 [tuff ghost]: Oh... Oh god.....

2006-02-19 [duckofdoom]: no it's can be cured with kxnakoooeglv

2006-02-19 [tuff ghost]: Honestly? I thought they said just to keep having crazy sex unttil it clears up.... At least, that what I'm doing.

2006-02-20 [duckofdoom]: hehe whatever works for you I suppose. lol

2006-02-21 [tuff ghost]: Ok. Not really. i just wish.

2006-02-22 [duckofdoom]: :P...that's all I can come up with right now

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: Oi. Let's recruit!

2006-02-25 [duckofdoom]: I know. I was just thinking the same thing. Seriously are we going to do it?

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: Hmmmm, we may have talked about this before, but our plane were fruitless. We need to reach out to stoners.... They are our main audience.

2006-02-25 [duckofdoom]: I don't think stoners could even make their way to the computer. maybe we just leave random join beavis and butthead wiki in comment boxes??

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: YES!

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: Alrighty- here's the plan... go to the wiki's wiki page

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: visit every wiki and type that in

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: I'll start from the bottom- you from the top! ok?

2006-02-25 [duckofdoom]: excellent. I wonder how many straight laced folk will delete them though? eheh

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: Hmmm, here's what I've been sending... Beavis and Butthead experience and resistanceisfutile_thegame <<< Visit, saysame.

2006-02-25 [duckofdoom]: will do :P

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: coolio.... but be warned- I'm running on a 24.6 connection speed.

2006-02-25 [duckofdoom]: as long as we recruit that's all that matters

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: right on

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: I can't do this any longer... but I think I got some of the major wiki's...... like the bush haters association... :D

2006-02-25 [duckofdoom]: ahah don't worry I've been going onto the metal lovers pages and so on.

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: ok, sweet

2006-02-25 [lordjoesnow]: i would recruit but im not much of a butthead and bevis fan lol....except but head is funny

2006-02-25 [duckofdoom]: ahah hilarious. well if you knoiw anybody tell them to come here. lol

2006-02-25 [tuff ghost]: Yes, that would be FANTASTIC!

2006-02-26 [duckofdoom]: more people please!!!!!!! I'm going to have to go to more wiki's dammit. hehe :P

2006-02-27 [Miss.Kayree]: EEEEE!

2006-02-27 [lordjoesnow]: EEEEE?

2006-02-27 [duckofdoom]: oh excellent a new person!!!!

2006-02-27 [tuff ghost]: Yes.... With a one-letter vocabulary... Newcomer, you better be a kick-ass B&B fan, Or I'll beat you.

2006-02-28 [cryingfifteenth]: !!! I LUUURRRVE beavis and butthead!!!! XD

2006-02-28 [Miss.Kayree]: I've got a bigger vocabulary than that, no worries. But that was my first thought when I saw this. XD

2006-02-28 [duckofdoom]: ahaha. I got to send the message to more wikis. :P we got to find more cornholio addicts out there!!!

2006-02-28 [Miss.Kayree]: i'll try to help.. see what i can do :P

2006-02-28 [tuff ghost]: Whoa! You rock... All of you. We should have a recruitment efforts page.

2006-02-28 [Miss.Kayree]: hehehe

2006-02-28 [tuff ghost]: No, honestly

2006-02-28 [Miss.Kayree]: I know. :) but what would be on it?

2006-02-28 [tuff ghost]: Well, a description of our recruitment efforts... I guess. :D

2006-02-28 [Miss.Kayree]: hmn.. okay :)

2006-03-01 [tuff ghost]: :D, Yes.

2006-03-03 [lordjoesnow]: and we'll all be like 'ooo good efforts page'

2006-03-03 [tuff ghost]: Yeeeaahhhh!

2006-03-10 [Account No Longer Active]: Gawd, I freaking LOVE Beavis and Buthead. "Heh heh. He said 'boobs'. Boobs. Heh heh.

2006-03-10 [tuff ghost]: Heh heh..... fricking trademark.

2006-03-11 [lordjoesnow]: heh heh, shut up beavis! dilhole

2006-03-11 [tuff ghost]: Yeah.... (are we facing a dull lull?)

2006-03-12 [duckofdoom]: a dull lull...hmm let me ponder that over some nachos...

2006-03-12 [tuff ghost]: Ok, it's official.

2006-03-16 [duckofdoom]: awesome

2006-03-16 [tuff ghost]: yeah. the nachos sealed the deal.

2006-03-18 [duckofdoom]: *hands out nachos to everybody*

2006-03-18 [tuff ghost]: Right. So. Has anyone seen the episode with the fuzzed out butt? That was precious.

2006-03-18 [duckofdoom]: not as much as going through the phone book with Harry Sachs

2006-03-18 [tuff ghost]: YES! Omrg!

2006-03-18 [duckofdoom]: and the phone is shoved up the neighbours ass ahah

2006-03-18 [duckofdoom]: no..when they go in the canteen looking for a bomb..and it's an egg timer

2006-03-18 [lordjoesnow]: what happened to resistance is futile wiki?

2006-03-19 [tuff ghost]: it died.

2006-03-19 [duckofdoom]: I was about to ask the same thing. Oi we have another member!! hooray :P

2006-03-19 [tuff ghost]: This is wonderful!!! This wiki is steadily growing! Well, not quickly or anything, but it's steady!

2006-03-19 [duckofdoom]: I'm still going to raid more'll give me something to do mwahaha

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